Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Well, the first day of kindergarten was a success! You woke me at 6:30 all excited to get ready for school. All of us took you to school and you really didn't want anything to do with the playground you just kept asking when it was time to go into class. When the time finally came I walked you in and you sat down and said goodbye as if it was no big deal. As we walked out of the door Brigham was sad and asked why we were leaving sissy. He had such a sad little face and said that he missed you. Poor little guy. He looks up to you and sure loves his big sis.

After school when I picked you up you had already made a few friends. Your favorite new friend is Gibson and you couldn't stop talking about him. He has CP just like mom, but he can't talk. You thought that his "talker" was the coolest thing ever and you keep asking me when he can come over to play. Your teacher even emailed me today to tell me how patient you were with him. I hope that you two become good friends. I love that you can see past him limitations and just want to be his friend. What a blessing you are to so many people Brooklyn. I can't help but think that you were put in this particular class just so that you and Gibson could be friends. I have really struggled over the past few months trying to figure out where you should go to school. I went back and forth but ultimately felt like this was where you were supposed to be. I even thought about asking for a certain teacher but every time I thought about it I had the impression that Heavenly Father knew where you needed to be and He would put you in a particular class. Then when you were assigned the teacher that everyone else had requested but didn't get I knew that there must be a reason. And now I know why. Honestly I have felt the Spirit very strong today. Stronger than I have in a long time. I KNOW that Heavenly Father is watching over you and He knows you. He knows what you are capable of. He knows that you and only you can make an impact on Gibson's life. And I am sure that Gibson will also make an impact on your life. I am grateful for the gospel and I am grateful for a Heavenly Father that loves each of us. He has a plan for you Brooklyn. He knows YOU! How awesome is that?!

I love you, Brooklyn! You are such a blessing in my life and in the lives of so many others. I don't know how I got so lucky to have you as my daughter. I learn so much from you everyday. You are incredible!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Night Before School

I couldn't let this day pass without writing to you. I can't believe that you are starting Kindergarten tomorrow. I mean where has the time gone? I don't know what I am going to do without you all day. I think that Brigham and I will be counting down the minutes until it is time to pick you up. I know Brigham is going to go through major withdrawls. You are his playmate and way more fun than mom.

Yesterday Dad and I took you to meet your teacher, Mrs. Hilland. You were bouncing off the walls with excitement and did not want to leave your class. We stayed there for a long time so that you could talk to your teacher, sit in your desk, find your cubby, count to 100, say the alphabet, sit on the circle carpet, play in the centers and color the playhouse. We then walked around the school and found the library, lunchroom, and computer lab. You wanted to meet everyone and wouldn't leave until we talked to the Principal. You are quite the social butterfly.

Today we had all the girls in the neighborhood over that are starting kindergarten for a Back to School Party. Shea Deaton (your best friend), Zaidy Daniels, Leila Skousen, Anastasia, and Macy Pruitt were all there. We painted pictures with apples, made sugar cookies with letter cookie cutters, had a sack lunch and had show and tell. Everyone had a great time and kept asking if you could have another party soon. This is a tradition that I would love to keep going as the years go on.

And now it is time for the big day. We have your backpack and supplies ready and your lunch box open, but I am not sure if I am ready for you to go yet. In fact just writing this is making it feel real and my heart is saddened. Don't get me wrong I am so excited for this big step in your life, but it also means that a chapter is closing. You won't be there for hugs during the day or for cuddles on the couch while watching cartoons. No more sitting in pajamas half the day and eating a late breakfast and playing outside all morning. No, life is beginning. Welcome to alarm clocks and rushed mornings. Homework and routines. But also welcome to new friends, new adventures, and learning lots of new things. You will do fantastic. I have no doubt about it. You are extremely smart and wise beyond your years.

Daddy gave you a Father's Blessing tonight. The spirit was strong as he placed his hands upon your head to give you a blessing before you start this new adventure in life. He blessed you with the strength to stand up to your peers and to always choose the right. He blessed you to know of Heavenly Father's love and the love of your family. And to always remember that you are a Daughter of God.

I am so grateful that Daddy has the priesthood and is able to bless our family. I want you to know how truly special this is. I pray that when you marry that you will choose a man that honors his priesthood as it is such an incredible blessing. I also want you to always remember that you are a Daughter of God. How awesome is that?! Heavenly Father knows you and loves you. He knows that you are starting school tomorrow and He will be with you. He will send his spirit to watch over you. Incredible!

Brooklyn, remember that your mom, dad and brother love you very much. For always, forever, and no matter what! We will be thinking about you all day tomorrow. Maybe we can go get ice cream after school so you can tell me all about it. I can't wait to hear. I love you! Good luck tomorrow. I know that you will do great, my big kindergartener.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sent to the Principal's Office

The two of us were talking about kindergarten today and how excited you are for it to start when you told me, "Paige says that if you are bad at school you have to go to the front office and sit there for an hour and talk to the Principal. Yeah, I think I am going to be bad so that I can do that. I would like to meet her on the first day." Seriously??? What kindergartner WANTS to get in trouble to go see the Principal? This is not a good thing my dear. I promise I will take you to meet the Principal if you would like to meet her, but please don't get in trouble and get sent to the principal's office. And especially not on the first day.

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Sweet Angel


I have not been the greatest about keeping a journal about you, ok to be honest, I have been terrible about it. But tonight that all changes. I just walked in your room and saw you sleeping so peacefully and I just can't bear the thought that you are growing up so quickly. I can't let these moments pass any longer without writing down what I can. Maybe then I can at least preserve a bit of your childhood because it is going to be gone before I know it. I want you to realize how much love I have for you. I am so blessed to be your mother. Everyday you teach me about love and service as you go out of your way to help and serve our family.

Brooklyn, I love you for always, for ever and no matter what!

